$563 million in Marijuana Taxes in FY 2015: Official Washington State Estimate

Partial Fiscal Note – 032012-1

The high numbers show up about halfway down the .pdf file, in the section titled “I‐502 Fiscal Note Projections.”  Search for “Fiscal Note Projections” to get there.

I’m planning to look at the numbers in detail before long.

Beating the tobacco tax

I saw a guy inhaling from an e-cigarette in a theater lobby the other night.  That seemed to be OK.  Now Lorillard is buying a company that makes them.  And there’s a loophole.  “Prices for e-cigarettes vary greatly but can cost half as much as traditional cigarettes, which are heavily taxed.”  “Got a Light—er Charger? Big Tobacco’s Latest Buzz,” Mike Esterl, WSJ, April 26, 2012, http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052702304723304577365723851497152.html Continue reading “Beating the tobacco tax”